Things that concern Dr. Vardeman: Testing

Charles F Vardeman II


Testing and CI/CD for Trusted AI

Testing and CI/CD are software engineering practices that aim to ensure the quality, reliability, and security of software applications. They are especially important for AI applications, which involve complex and dynamic data, models, and algorithms.

What is Software 1.0 and Software 2.0?

Software 1.0 refers to the traditional way of developing software by writing code that specifies the logic and rules of the application. Software 2.0 refers to the emerging way of developing software by using machine learning (ML) models that learn from data and generate code or behavior.

Why do we need testing and CI/CD for AI?

AI applications pose unique challenges and risks for testing and CI/CD, such as:

  • Data quality and availability: AI applications depend on large and diverse datasets that may be noisy, incomplete, biased, or outdated.
  • Model performance and robustness: AI models may have high accuracy on average, but low accuracy on edge cases or adversarial inputs. They may also degrade over time or become obsolete due to data drift or concept drift.
  • Ethical and social implications: AI applications may have unintended or harmful consequences on human values, rights, and well-being, such as privacy, fairness, accountability, transparency, and explainability.

Testing and CI/CD can help address these challenges and risks by:

  • Automating and streamlining the data, model, and code workflows of AI development
  • Detecting and preventing errors, bugs, vulnerabilities, and anomalies in AI applications
  • Ensuring that AI applications meet the functional, non-functional, and ethical requirements of the stakeholders
  • Enabling continuous improvement and innovation of AI applications

How do we implement testing and CI/CD for AI?

Testing and CI/CD for AI involve applying software engineering best practices to the data, model, and code components of AI applications. Some examples are:

  • Data testing: Validating the quality, consistency, completeness, relevance, and diversity of the data used for training and testing AI models
  • Model testing: Evaluating the accuracy, robustness, efficiency, scalability, interpretability, and fairness of AI models on various metrics and scenarios
  • Code testing: Verifying the functionality, usability, security, reliability, maintainability, and portability of the code that implements or integrates AI models

Real World Machine Learning “Pipelines”

Real World Machine Learning “Data Engine”

How Tesla’s Data Engine works

  • The FSD computer in each Tesla car records and sends any inaccuracies or discrepancies between its actions and the human driver’s actions to Tesla’s servers.
  • Tesla’s servers use these inaccuracies to create unit tests, which are scenarios that the FSD neural network should be able to handle correctly.
  • Tesla’s servers also use these inaccuracies to search for similar situations in the vast amount of data collected from all the cars in the fleet and create a well-labeled dataset.
  • Tesla’s servers use this dataset to re-train the FSD neural network using machine learning algorithms and improve its performance and functionality.
  • Tesla’s servers deploy the updated FSD neural network to the cars’ FSD computers in “shadow mode” to compare its actions with the human driver’s actions.

Why Tesla’s Data Engine matters

  • Tesla’s Data Engine allows them to leverage the power of big data analytics and artificial intelligence in their self-driving cars.
  • Tesla’s Data Engine enables them to address the long tail problem of autonomous driving, which is the challenge of handling rare or complex situations on the road.
  • Tesla’s Data Engine ensures that the FSD neural network is constantly improving and not regressing or introducing new errors.

What is “Testing” for AI vs Traditional Software Testing

Why do we need testing for ML systems?

ML systems pose unique challenges and risks for testing, such as:

  • Data quality and availability: ML systems depend on large and diverse datasets that may be noisy, incomplete, biased, or outdated.
  • Model performance and robustness: ML models may have high accuracy on average, but low accuracy on edge cases or adversarial inputs. They may also degrade over time or become obsolete due to data drift or concept drift.
  • Ethical and social implications: ML systems may have unintended or harmful consequences on human values, rights, and well-being, such as privacy, fairness, accountability, transparency, and explainability.

Testing ML systems can help address these challenges and risks by:

  • Detecting and preventing errors, bugs, vulnerabilities, and anomalies in ML systems
  • Ensuring that ML systems meet the functional, non-functional, and ethical requirements of the stakeholders
  • Enabling continuous improvement and innovation of ML systems

How do we test ML systems?

Testing ML systems involves applying software engineering best practices to the data, model, and code components of ML systems. Some examples are:

  • Data testing: Validating the quality, consistency, completeness, relevance, and diversity of the data used for training and testing ML models
  • Model testing: Evaluating the accuracy, robustness, efficiency, scalability, interpretability, and fairness of ML models on various metrics and scenarios
  • Code testing: Verifying the functionality, usability, security, reliability, maintainability, and portability of the code that implements or integrates ML models

What are some tools and techniques for testing ML systems?

There are different tools and techniques that can help us test ML systems effectively and efficiently. Some examples are:

  • Data validation tools: Tools that help us check the schema, statistics, anomalies, drifts, and distributions of our data. For example: TensorFlow Data Validation, Great Expectations, Deequ.
  • Model validation tools: Tools that help us measure the performance of our models on various metrics and scenarios. For example: TensorFlow Model Analysis, Scikit-Learn, PyTorch.
  • Code validation tools: Tools that help us check the syntax, style, coverage, complexity, and security of our code. For example: PyLint, PyTest, Bandit.

Testing “Software 1.0” vs “Software 2.0”

“Beyond Accuracy: Behavioral Testing of NLP Models with CheckList”

Examples of “real world” testing

Examples of “real world” testing as a starting point

Examples of “real world” testing as a starting point

Test Structure in the Microsoft Recommenders

The Microsoft Recommenders repository contains examples and best practices for building recommendation systems, provided as Jupyter notebooks. The repository also includes various tests to ensure the quality, reliability, and security of the code and the notebooks.

Types of Tests

There are three types of tests in the Microsoft Recommenders repository:

  • Unit tests: These are tests that check the functionality and correctness of individual modules, functions, or classes. They are located in the unit folder and use pytest as the testing framework. They are triggered by pull requests to the main or staging branches.
  • Smoke tests: These are tests that check if the notebooks can run without errors and produce the expected outputs. They are located in the smoke folder and use papermill and scrapbook as the testing tools. They are run nightly on the main or staging branches.
  • Integration tests: These are tests that check if the notebooks can run end-to-end on different environments and platforms, such as CPU, GPU, or Spark. They are located in the integration folder and use papermill and scrapbook as the testing tools. They are run nightly on the main or staging branches.

Testing Infrastructure: Azure DevOps

The Microsoft Recommenders repository uses Azure DevOps as the testing infrastructure. Azure DevOps is a cloud-based platform that provides various services and tools for software development, such as version control, project management, testing, deployment, and monitoring.

There are 19 pipelines for Linux tests and 19 pipelines for Windows tests, each corresponding to a different type of test, branch, and environment. For example:

  • unit_tests: This pipeline runs unit tests on Linux CPU for pull requests to the main branch.
  • unit_tests_staging: This pipeline runs unit tests on Linux CPU for pull requests to the staging branch.
  • gpu_unit_tests: This pipeline runs unit tests on Linux GPU for pull requests to the main branch.
  • gpu_unit_tests_staging: This pipeline runs unit tests on Linux GPU for pull requests to the staging branch.
  • nightly_cpu: This pipeline runs smoke and integration tests on Linux CPU for nightly builds on the main branch.
  • nightly_staging: This pipeline runs smoke and integration tests on Linux CPU for nightly builds on the staging branch.
  • nightly_gpu: This pipeline runs smoke and integration tests on Linux GPU for nightly builds on the main branch.
  • nightly_gpu_staging: This pipeline runs smoke and integration tests on Linux GPU for nightly builds on the staging branch.
  • nightly_spark: This pipeline runs smoke and integration tests on Linux Spark for nightly builds on the main branch.
  • nightly_spark_staging: This pipeline runs smoke and integration tests on Linux Spark for nightly builds on the staging branch.

Testing Infrastructure: Conda Environments

The pipelines use conda environments to manage dependencies and run tests. Conda is an open-source package and environment management system that allows us to create and use different configurations of software packages and libraries.

A script,, is used to create conda environments for different combinations of CPU, GPU, and Spark. For example:

  • reco_base: This is the basic CPU environment.
  • reco_full: This is the environment that includes CPU, GPU, and Spark.
  • reco_gpu: This is the environment that includes CPU and GPU.
  • reco_pyspark: This is the environment that includes CPU and Spark.

Testing Infrastructure: Azure Machine Learning

The pipelines also use Azure Machine Learning (AML) to run some of the tests on different compute clusters. AML is a cloud-based service that provides various tools and features for ML development, such as data preparation, model training, model deployment, model management, and model monitoring.

AML provides scalable and flexible compute resources for ML development. For example:

  • AMLCompute clustername Experiment VM Nodes
  • reco-cpu-test2 cpu_unit_tests standard_d3_v2 0..4
  • reco-gpu-test gpu_unit_tests standard_nc6_v3 0..4
  • reco-spark-test spark_unit_tests standard_d12_v2 0..4

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